Logo Color Schemes
This Logo uses the analogous colors of red-orange, yellow, and yellow-orange. I think the company probably used these colors because they actually resemble the food pictured, and red makes people hungry.

This logo used the analogous colors of red-orange, orange, and a yellow hue.This logo probably used these colors to make people feel energetic and warm.
This logo used the complementary colors of yellow and purple. This sports team probably used yellow for energy, and purple for some sort of regality.
This company used the warm colors of red and yellow. This logo probably used these colors for energy and power.
This company used the warm colors of red and yellow. This company probably used yellow and red for energy and kid friendliness.
This logo used the cool colors of blue-violet and red-violet. This company probably used these colors for royalty and to induce hunger.
This company used the cool colors of blue and blue-green. This company probably used this blue color scheme for reliability and loyalty.
This logo used a green hue with white added in different amounts to make tints. This company probably used these colors to impose a fresh feeling.

This company used different shades of brown. This logo probably used brown for comfort and a friendly affect.
This logo used the triad color scheme of orange violet and green. This logo probably used the orange for energy and in a literal sense to represent the sun. They probably used the other color for contrast.
This company used the primary triad color scheme of red, blue, and yellow. This logo probably used the blue for reliability, the red for power, and the yellow for energy.
Nice job, Ella!